Step 2: Install Editormod


  • 20,000+ objects added to the Editor, more of   E V E R Y T H I N G  
  • About 200 new weapon & ammunition assets (weapon skins, Mortar Cluster, Magnopulsar, RPG Cluster Incendiary, Arrow Explosive)
  • More static objects from the campaign/DLCs (including those from my ‘NEW ASSETS’ map  )
  • More textures: hundreds more textures for generic objects.
  • More music: including songs from the Far Cry 5 & DLC soundtracks.
  • More AI: Hundreds more added from Campaign/DLC Characters.
  • More Animation points & Control Zones: Follow player, convert to other factions, change AI awareness state.
  • More Skies, Cloud Shadows, Backdrops, Music, PostFX filters & effects.
  • NEW scripting actions:

           – “Force Equip Weapon”: with option to turn ammo infinite.
           – “Change HUD Objective” : List of numbers with text values can be checked at
           – “Lock player input” : player can’t move but only look around.
           – “Unlock player input”  : re-enable player input.

  • Bypass Budget Limit: explore/play/publish overbudget maps. PLEASE CREATE RESPONSIBLY!

Maps created with this editormod:

  • Remain compatible with the vanilla Editor as long as no mod objects are used.
  • MUST be edited with the mod installed if you use mod objects. Otherwise they will go missing from the map.
  • Can apparently be uploaded and published on the Far Cry Arcade.

Maps published with this editormod:

  • Can be played from Arcade, without the need for this editormod to be installed.
  • May be portable to another platform if they do not use MOD assets and remain within budget.

Far Cry 5 Arcade Editormod by Steve64b at Far Cry 5 Nexus – Mods and Community (

INSTALLATION README with Steps to Install:


Extract the contents of the ZIP file into your Far Cry 5 root folder, overwriting existing files.

NOTE: The data_final folder contains content that can exclusively be used on the PC platform (More assets, NEW objects, MOD objects, thumbnails, added textures, etc).
If you only want to make maps that can still port over to console, then just install the IGE.WPF.Core64.dll file.

Readme TXT here:

Far Cry 5 Arcade Editormod by Steve64b at Far Cry 5 Nexus – Mods and Community (

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